Tolliver Falls

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

My oldest daughter got home from the Taylor Swift concert at 3:30am and decided it was the perfect time to wish me Happy Father's Day.  I am good with that.  She was sober and alive, she can wake me anytime.  My youngest left for work at 7:30am and gave me my Father's Day hug then.  It was a good start to a rainy Sunday.  The girls are in charge of dinner tonight, I can't wait.  I do believe I will end up cooking on the grill, but it's the thought that counts.

Last night, our community hosted an annual event called "Redneck Dayz".  As you might imagine from the name, I was out of place in my plaid shorts and polo.  I did enjoy a couple cold PBR's while listening to a little blue grass music but I did not enjoy my view of the drunk lady who staggered around the corner and hurled what must have been 8 or 9 draft beers into the trash can.  Overall, it was a good time but I might have to find something a little more entertaining next time.

I know first postings always suck, so I want to make sure I fit in.

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